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Wind Ensemble

This is the top performing concert ensemble, considered the “varsity” concert band. Students in this band are the most advanced musicians in the program, and thus, they must demonstrate the highest levels of tonal production, technical proficiency, and musical maturity. A strong commitment to individual practice and musical growth is expected. The students in the Wind Ensemble are expected to audition for the All-Region Band and perform a solo at UIL solo contest. Failure to adequately prepare for either could be cause for reassignment to a lower ensemble. A weekly sectional (either before or after school) is required of all students throughout the fall and spring semesters, in addition to scheduled evening full band clinic/rehearsals in the spring semester. Private lessons are strongly encouraged to excel in this band, and to maintain the student’s required level of skill. Performance requirements will include the Winter concert, Spring concert, UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest, and other special events and festival performances as scheduled. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required. 

Symphonic Band

This is our second concert ensemble. Students in this band are also expected to demonstrate a high level of tonal production, technical proficiency, and musical maturity. Students in the Symphonic Winds are highly encouraged to audition for the All-Region Band, and they are expected to perform a solo at the UIL solo contest. A commitment to individual practice and musical growth is expected from each student. A weekly sectional (either before or after school) is required of all students throughout the fall and spring semesters, in addition to scheduled evening full band clinic/rehearsals in the spring semester. Private lessons are strongly encouraged to excel in this band, and to maintain the student’s required level of skill. Performance requirements will include the Winter concert, Spring concert, UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest, and other special events and festival performances as scheduled. Attendance at all scheduled performances is required. 

Concert Band

Concert Band is the entry level instrumental concert ensemble.  Basic performance skills and fundamentals are addressed.  Selected music is used to enhance and improve upon these basic performing skills. Students are strongly encouraged to audition for the All-Region Band but are not required to.  Students will learn and review major scales/rudiments/arpeggios as they relate to their instrument along with basic rhythmic skills, tone quality, music terminology, and history as it relates to the music being performed.  Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in major scales, show respect for the music and each other, and follow the instructions of the conductor.  Daily practice is expected of all band students.  Students must attend all scheduled performances.

Jazz Band

We have one jazz band that meets as a class during the school day that is open by audition to any student in band who plays a jazz instrument (saxophone, trombone, trumpet, piano, bass, guitar, or drums) and is interested in expanding their musical skills and knowledge through this unique American musical idiom. Students are encouraged to audition for All-Region Jazz Band.

Marching Band -

"The Mighty Hawk Band"

All students in the varying concert ensembles combine to form the Red Oak marching band. Participation in the marching band is required of students. A more detailed discussion of the marching band program, including requirements, attendance, rehearsal schedules, football games, parades, marching competitions, etc. can be found in the ROHS Band Handbook.


The Band Handbook and other important documents can be found in the "Important Links" section of our website.


Color Guard

This unique performing group is focused on combining the skilled use of implements such as flags, rifles, and sabers with progressive elements of dance and movement and marching drill. The color guard is open to any student through audition. A background in dance is helpful but not required. Enrollment and active participation in the color guard class (a full-year class) is required. During the fall, the color guard is an important component of the marching band, and must meet all expectations, requirements, and scheduling of the marching band throughout that season. Upon the conclusion of marching season and through the spring semester, the guard functions as an indoor competitive group (“winter guard”) and will compete at a number of contest events as a member of the North Texas Colorguard Association (NTCA) and Winterguard International (WGI). After-school rehearsals with the winter guard are required to be a part of this group, in addition to the spring contest events. Students are also expected to develop their solo and small ensemble guard skills by competing at the NTCA solo and ensemble contest held in April. 

© 2024-2025 by Red Oak Bands

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