Red Oak Bands
Home of the Mighty Hawk Band
ROJH Band Links
Instrument Associations
National Flute Association
Texas Flute Society
Internation Double Reed Society
International Clarinet Association
The North American Saxophone Alliance
International Trumpet Guild
International Horn Society
International Trombone Association
International Tuba/Euphonium Association
Percussive Arts Society
Music Stores
music, instruments, accessories and repair
Woodwind and Brasswind
Carolyn Nussbaum Flute Shop
Ellis County Music Center
Lone Star Percussion
Muncy Winds
Music and Arts
Pender's Music
Steve Weiss Music
Professional Ensembles
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Wind Ensembles
Dallas Wind Symphony
Lone Star Wind Orchestra
Summer Camps
Baylor Band Camp
Double Reed Camp
North Texas Middle School Percussion Camp
TCU Band Camp
UTA Band Camp
Technology & Apps
Music Theory
Metronome App
NoteBrainer App
TonalEnergy Tuning App
Teoria - Note Reading
Youth Ensembles
Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra
Lone Star Wind Orchestra Youth Winds
Other Resources
sources for classical music cd's and programs
From the Top - showcases young talent from around the country
ArkivMusic - The Source for Classical Music